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Hello everyone, Anonyviet today will guide the 2D game programming with Godot Engine. The first article is an introduction, from the only post will guide you to program the 2D game with Godot Engine from basic to advanced. But the name for it is easy (: D) call me Deathgm.
I see many of you who are passionate about game programming without knowing how to program, and then also ask what the game programming needs, hard, not pee, .. so I decided to share my experience with You to help those who do not know the program but have a passion for making games.
This is an open game engine, supporting many languages such as C ++, C#, Python, Java but if you want to program with the above, you have to improve the additional software and it is difficult to install VCL I still do not know how to install . Until the hard parts, it is difficult to hack my brain, I don't understand anything (: v) .. on the main topic.
Godot Engine:
-The godot programming is not difficult and easy, easier than Unity and UE4? For this reason:
+ Better structure. Everything about the sensing is more node than Unity System, Signals simple (do not know what kind of explanation here: v)
+ GDCRIPT is easy to learn, and nothing more than necessary. In addition, there is a editor integrated into the same window.
+ Excellent 2D support. There is no strange flat 3D scene like Unity.
+ Download small, operate on Linux.
+ Great document.
+ Restricted use. Few answers/instructions. Asset store is very few.
+ If working in the team will be unfavorable. If you make a game in the team, you should be made of Unity or UE4.
+ The ability to expand weak graphics. If you want to modify the graphics reality of your game into any level, then you will have to write that part yourself.
Talking through the speaker, please see more Introducing Engine Game Godot For more details:
Now we will proceed to install it.
Step 1: Vo Trang: To download. The current version of writing is 3.1.2
Step 2: Download and extract
Download open and press Wizad to extract the Deskop screen
Step 3: Open and start game programming!
Scan: Find your project
Import: Download your project
New Project: Click to create a game project.
-> Click New Project:
- Project name: Project name (project you do)
- Projecetpath: Project saving path
- Renderer: Graphics you choose to make games
Now choose Path address Game and then click Create Folder In Project Name to create
After pressing Create Folder will be like this:
Now your job is to use it !!
New in will display like this:
You choose 2D To make 2D game!
As for the above, I will explain in the upcoming video!