If a file is too large, it will be difficult to share. When looking for documents online, one day you will encounter large files that are cut into parts 1, 2, 3, … and you have to combine those files. Today I will show you how to cut and merge files simply by software HJsplit.
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HJsplit . User Manual
You download and install the software at the address below.
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To proceed to cut the file, you choose Split. Then in turn we choose Input File and Output File.
- Input File then select the file you want to cut (input file).
- Output File Choose where to save the finished file.
Next in line Split file size Please fill in the amount of space that you need to split in each file.
Finally, please press Start let the software proceed to cut the file.
You wait while the software is cutting the file. The process of joining files is fast or slow depending on how big your file size is, the larger the file, the longer it will take to cut the file, please try to wait!
Reassemble the file that has been cut
You can cut the file, you can also merge the file as the original. Or someone gives you a bunch of cut files, you can use HJslit to merge. Select Join to open the file merge function.
Similar to file cutting, Input File is the place to contain the path to where the files to be reassembled are saved.
For example, I have 3 files 001, 002,003 which are cut files. I will put these 3 files in the same folder and when Input File then just select file 001. Its software will scan the cut code and know which file is the next file.
Finally you press Start and wait for the file concatenation to complete.
In addition, the software also has 2 more functions Compare and Checksum help you compare 2 files and check Checksum. You can refer more.
Just now, I have just shown you how to cut and merge files in the simplest way with the software.
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