Attention: For the poor who have no money to rely on others
Join the channel Telegram belong to AnonyViet 👉 Link 👈 |
Implementation steps:
B1: You set up a facebook account and then name, date of birth, hometown the same as the account you need to rip (And this information is reset only for me)
B2: Change cover photo and avt. Any photo is fine, but it must be taken from the victim’s account. Adjust both the cover image and the avt to 2009. Finished adjusting the avt to just me.
B3: Continue to post 6-7 posts of whatever content you like. Remember to change the time to 2009-2010-2011. Then go to hack pages like and hack cmt for stts (About 100 likes, 10 cmt is fine). To support think this nick is highly interactive
B4: Use 1 nick to make friends with the nick to rip and the fake nick. Done use this nick on the nick to rip, press three dots, report impersonating someone I know. Done choose the nick I fake.
B5: Done on fake nick wait for facebook to notify about. Notice the following “someone has reported a profile that they believe is impersonating you”. After using this nick on the wall, the nick needs to rip, press three dots and then report this account as me.
Finished. Now you just have to wait. It takes about 5-6 hours to get the results. Tested many accs, even acc has been verified and acc before 2009.
Good luck
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