How to download photos on ShutterStock for free. Download ShutterStock Free 2019. ShutterStock is a high-quality image sharing website, where you can freely choose thematic images to make content for the Website or enrich your graphic material.
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However, to download high quality images, there is no WaterMark at ShutterStock You have to pay a small fee, the average price is 5 photos for $ 49. It’s too high compared to the income of us Vietnamese.
Fortunately, there are sponsors, they have set up a Website that allows you to get the download link of ShutterStock, without any cost. This world needs to breed people like that
How to download photos on ShutterStock for free
Update 07/8/2019
Select any Server you want, paste the Link ShutterStock to Download and press Get Now
Update 12/02/2018
Free Download page on: Shutterstock, Gettyimages, Adobestock, Fotolia, Vectorstock, iStockphoto, PNGTree & PicFair
Step 1:Visit the web
Step 2: Go to any page listed at the top, type in the keyword of the image you want to search for and copy the link of that image
Step 3: Paste the link to the page in B1
Step 4: Press
Step 5: save as… that picture again
Step 6: enjoy
Update 11/05/2018
Step 1: Access website :
Step 2: Register a nick and then log in on that website
Step 3: Go to the FACEBOOK account section and log in with a clone nick there and that nick has already set up a fanpage
Step 4: : copy the link on the shutter and paste it into the search bar on the Dashboard and enjoy
This link is from a Vietnamese author
This link downloads the Extension
This link is from the author SaveShutter