Introducing to readers a software called Toolbar Cleaner, a free utility that thoroughly removes annoying toolbar components on web browsers.
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Some of the free software often comes with some unnecessary settings such as automatically adding toolbars to the web browser or other bundled applications. Typically, some free software provides additional installation of AVG Toolbar for the browser, and if you do not pay attention, AVG Toolbar will automatically install at the same time as the software installation.

Although toolbars can be easily removed, manually, not everyone using a computer can do it. And to make it quick and easy to remove these toolbars,Toolbar Cleaner This is a good suggestion for you.

As the name suggests, Toolbar Cleaner is a free utility that removes toolbars and web browser extensions. After downloading and installing, don’t forget to uncheck the 2 options to change browser settings.

With a simple interface including 4 main function tabs including Homepage/Search to help manage home page options and search servers currently set up on Windows browsers. You can easily set up and change these customizations right in this tab.

The Browsing tab includes settings to delete information about history, cookies, cache, passwords and forms saved during web browsing. Once you have ticked the options to delete, click the Clean Selected Browsing Item(s) button to proceed with deleting them.

Toolbar/Extensions will list the toolbars and extensions installed on your browser. Please check again and tick the unwanted options, need to remove and then click Remove Selected Toolbar(s)/BHO(s) to remove them.

The last tab is Startup with a list of application components that start with Windows. Please tick the unnecessary options and click Remove Selected Startup Item(s) to disable them.

Toolbar Cleaner can be seen as a great and useful utility for your browser. It does not require you to have a deep knowledge of desktop web browsers and it simply makes it easier to manage extensions and settings in the web browser on Windows.
Interested readers can learn more and download it for free here.