Currently, in the world, there are millions of websites, large and small. Each Website comes with a domain name (domain) which is the address to access. You must have thought about how to know who owns that Website. You need to contact the Website owner to discuss work or simply explore the ownership of the Website. With the method of looking up domain information by Whois, you will get the owner’s name, phone number, home address …
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Check Website Owners Using Whois . Tool
WHOIS is a database containing all registered domains. When you register a domain name, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires the domain name registrar to submit your personal contact information to the WHOIS database. When your information appears in the data, people can check your domain with the WHOIS search engine.
The domain name information when you check the license will produce the following results:
- Name, address, phone number, email of the domain owner.
- Domain Expiration Date
- Domain ownership belongs to which individual/organization?
- Name Server
- Check Domain Registration Service Provider
- ….
How to check Domain information with Whois
Currently, most of the Websites that provide Domain buying and selling services support the Domain tool. When you buy a certain domain, but that domain has been purchased before, the Website will display information to look up the name of the owner of that Website.
Another way is to use online Whois lookup websites such as:
Type the domain of any Website, you will get information such as Name, Email, Phone number, home address ….
Protect personal information by Whois Privacy
Your personal information made publicly available by Whois increases your risk of falling victim to hackers, spammers and even data miners. To avoid that, Whois Privacy born. That is, you will be secure Domain registration information. You will pay a small annual fee to keep your information secure, the provider will act as an intermediary proxy – ie anyone who does a lookup of your domain name will result in information. supplier contact information, not yours.
For example: I will look up the information of the Website Gambling to redeem rewards 2019, then the results are displayed as of the NameCheap provider. The subscriber’s personal information is completely invisible. You can only see the registration date, expiration date, NameServer of the Domain.
For namecheap, tenten… you get 1 year free Domain information security. For other providers, it will cost you about 4-10$/year.
Therefore, if you do Blog, Personal Website, or private services, you should use it Whois Privacy to protect information. If you are a business or business, you should not use it because the more transparent the information is, the more customers trust it.