During the learning process, I think more or less of you will also search for documents online for your learning purposes such as making reports, powerpoints, theses, etc. One of the platforms that me and I I think that both of you often use tailieu.vn. This is an extremely rich and diverse resource, but unfortunately it is not free. On average, each time you download a document, you have to pay 15 thousand. But in this article, I will show you how to download free documents on tailieu.vn.
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What is Tailieu.vn?
Tailieu.vn is the largest, richest and most diverse repository of documents for all subjects from office workers to students still sitting at school. Here, you can view and download almost any type of material you need, such as documents in the fields of finance, economics, information technology, and lectures in biology, math, and literature. of famous teachers in the profession.
In addition, tailieu.vn also has set of powerpoint slides Very practical and suitable for all professions. However, in my opinion, these powerpoint sets are also quite old and outdated, but you should try them out, maybe there’s something you need.
Tailieu.vn also has a multiple-choice platform and online courses from extremely famous instructors like Dr. Le Tham Duong.
How to download free documents on tailieu.vn
This tool was developed by Mr. Tru Nguyen’s team to support the students in this exam season. Funding is also free for the members of the team to spend, so any documents that are not too necessary should not be downloaded to reduce downloads and operating costs.
Step 1: You access the document you want to download and remove the domain name from .VN luxurious .download. For example
- Original link: https://tailieu.VN/doc/bao-cao-thuc-tap-tot-nghiep-cong-nghe-thong-tin-thiet-ke-xay-dung-trien-khai-va-quan-ly-phong-lab-m-2630009.html
- Link changed: https://tailieu.download/doc/bao-cao-thuc-tap-tot-nghiep-cong-nghe-thong-tin-thiet-ke-xay-dung-trien-khai-va-quan-ly-phong-lab-m-2630009.html
Step 2: Wait a moment for the server to get the link and it will automatically download to your computer.
Tru Nguyen’s team has also just updated to download the documents in series, so now you can feel free.
Step 1: Go to the document collection you want to download and change the domain name from .VN luxurious .download.
Step 2: Select the document you want to download.
Hope everyone’s supportive efforts will help you have an exam with satisfactory results.