Today, I share with you TUT that can create unlimited Google Drive accounts. However, I just share how to do it. You create and use and are solely responsible for your account. I will not take any responsibility for your account.
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And if you want to ensure absolute safety, don’t die acc. Then spend money to pay Google and rent for 500,000 / month. And now, I would like to share TUT to create a Google Drive Unlimited account.
Create CCCApply for unlimited GGDrive subscription
You access the link below to create a CCCApply account.
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This is the interface of an educational institution in a foreign country, which will be granted an unlimited Google Drive account. Click on the word Create an Account to create an account.
Continue to press the blue button with the word Begin Creating My Account.
You will be redirected to the registration form and asked to fill in the information. However, their side does not accept Vietnamese information, so you have to create fake information.
You go to the link below to create fake information to randomly generate information about a US citizen.
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Select the options you want to create, then press the . button Generate red to create.
You copy the information and paste it into the registration form of CCCApply. Include First Name, Last Name and check the options like the image below.
Scroll down to the section Date of Birth. You choose to be a little older to be trusted (1989 and earlier). After choosing, you must also remember selected date of birth. Because later need it to authenticate that Google Drive Unlimited account.
Fake SSN
Check the box Social Security Number and visit the link below to get the SSN.
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Check the necessary information and press Generate to generate the SSN.
Then enter the SSN number in the registration form, remember to write immediately without the “-” sign.
India tiếp tục to complete the form and move to the next page.
Fake phone number
On this page you proceed to fill in the information as usual. However, the phone number, you need to create a fake US phone number. Visit the link below to create fake phone number.
If you can’t access the page, you can use hola to fake IP to Canada.
Select the state as California and press Generate to generate new information.
Find the Telephone number section and copy the phone number.
Continue on to the link below and copy the address into the form as shown below.
Click Continue to finish. When pressed for the first time it will give an error. You check the box I have verified… as shown above and press Continue again. You will then be redirected to the 3rd (last) registration form.
In this 3rd form, you fill in all the information. PIN code, enter 4 numbers that you can remember and the rest of the information is as you like. When finished, press Create My Account.
The account is successfully created and you will be issued with an information card containing your personal CCCID. Click Continue to continue, remember to save your personal CCCID before clicking.
You will be taken to a new window and press the Start Application button to get started.
Apply to the university
After clicking Start Application in the above step, we will now complete the rest of the information. To officially become a student and own a Google Drive Unlimited account. You choose information as shown below.
After choosing, press tiếp tục in the right corner to go to the next section. In the next section, scroll down and check as shown in the image below and then press tiếp tục.
Go to the next section, choose as shown below and continue pressing tiếp tục.
The Education section you choose as below and then press tiếp tục.
Next, choose your own and press Continue.
Go to the Residency section of your choice Yes for the first line. The rest choose No all right.
Click continue to move to the next item and then select like the image below.
You will then be presented with all the information you have selected. Scroll down to the bottom and press the . button I Have…
Check two boxes By checking then press Submit Application.
Confirm Google Drive account
Go to the email you entered at the time of CCCApply account registration and confirm the email.
However, that is only the first mail, you need to wait for another mail to be able to use Google Drive unlimitedly. After receiving an Email with content similar to the image below, please click on the link
This second email, you wait about 3-4 hours to receive it. Then you follow the instructions in the Video below to use an unlimited Google Drive account.
Each of you should only create 1 to 2 Acc only because creating a lot of them will detect and fix it very quickly. Be aware that others can also use it. Thank you for watching.
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Good luck