Many people enjoy taking the short path in all aspects of life; Computers are no exception. Keyboard shortcuts, especially those implemented by the keyboard, can save you time when applied properly. Here are 5 great keyboard shortcuts that you can use on your computer.
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Need to minimize a certain program in an urgent need? press the key combination Windows Key +
While we are on Google Chrome and we accidentally turn off the Tab we need, please use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + T. This key combination can be used on other internet browsers.
There are times when you paste a sentence but it changes the font, press Ctrl+Shift+V.
Sometimes you want to take a snapshot of your screen, you have to press the Print Screen SysRq key then go to Paint to save the image, no more need to just press the Alt + Print Screen SysRq key or the Windows + Print Screen key Your SysRq screenshot will automatically save to the images folder.
The Ctrl+← key is the key combination you need to quickly delete text instead of pressing the Backspace key.