What are Facebook Tricks? Basic Concepts and Terminology
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It’s been a long time since anonyviet’s ads regularly posted articles about rip, check pass …bla bla but I see that sometimes many of you don’t understand the term trick, so today I have this article to make it easier for you to understand, Think of it roughly like this, Facebook is the world’s leading social network, has a large number of users, programmers create facebook to make it easier for us to use, surely errors will arise when programming. , we either accidentally or intentionally find that error and use it for personal purposes, it’s called Tricks.
Terms :
+ Report: Facebook allows users to report to them when there is content that violates community standards on facebook, such as fake profile pages, posts with pornographic content, bla bla… After receiving a report from you, facebook support staff will evaluate the reported content, possibly delete + block the reported content
Checkpoint : A lightweight form of identity verification that can be easily opened
– FAQ: This type of lock, you have to contact faecbook with separate contacts, harder to open than Checkpoint
-FAQ Apps: Your Group or Fanpage violates community standards, deleted, then the Account that is the admin of that Group or Page will be deleted, this is one of the most difficult types of lock to open Facebook
=> facebook community standards : https://www.facebook.com/communitystandards
+ Check Pass : Taking advantage of the facebook user’s forgotten password mechanism, the tricks-er fake identity documents and contact facebook, prove they are your account owner and recover the password
+ Unlock : Open locked facebook accounts
+ TUT : Short for tutorial, is a guide to practice facebook tricks
+ Scam: Scammers on facebook
+ Sub: follow, be a follower on facebook, 1 User has the limit of having a friend relationship with other 5.OOO users, when this threshold is reached, other people can only follow but cannot make friends with you
+ Case : When you contact facebook, facebook calls it a case, facebook support staff will consider each case to solve, that’s the case
+ Noti : Short for notification, is a notification system to facebook users
+ Clone: the secondary fb account is only used for “practice”.
+support: fb’s customer support team, like viettell’s operator.
+fake ip: change the ip address to another country (meet the support team abroad …. this doesn’t need to be thought by many people doing the tut already calculated in advance.
+ communitystandards : fb’s community standards
Above are some of my basic understanding of facebook tricks, you can refer to and can add content below in the comments.