Blocking comments by keyword is a prominent feature added by Facebook in the last update. With this feature, users can easily block comments containing certain words, phrases, and emojis. Or some offensive or annoying words in my post. However, since this is a beta, it is currently only available on the Facebook Web version.
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Today, AnonyViet will guide you to enable automatic blocking of offensive comments. And affect your personal page offline.
How to block offensive comments by keywords on Facebook
To use the feature to block comments containing “banned” keywords in articles. Please follow these steps:
First, log in to Facebook, click on the section Setting.
Step 2: On the Settings page, click Timeline and tagging in the menu on the left side of the screen.
Step 3: Here it will list out the account’s settings. Now find the item Hide comments containing certain words from your timeline. And click Edit to enable this feature.
Step 4: Here you can add offensive words or phrases that you don’t want to appear. And finally press Save changes to save the settings.
Summary of the article
Thus, AnonyViet has shown you how to block offensive or annoying comments by keywords. This is an extremely useful feature for users of this social network. For users who are often offended or bullied, this is their lifesaving feature. It will help you control the comment content in many places such as: News Feed, Group, Fanpage, etc. In a better way.