HD images are one of the ways to indirectly convey their emotions to those around them. Besides, it also makes a certain contribution to work, in blogging, web making, product review, etc.
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However, finding the most suitable images for yourself is not easy. Before knowing this site, I myself spent hours looking for photos. Therefore, I would like to introduce to you a website that takes beautiful HD images.
Websites get HD images
Below is the homepage interface of the website that I want to introduce.
As you can see, this is a page Web foreign. The left side is a lot of image category bars for you to choose from. If you do not like English can translate the page into Vietnamese for use.
Above are the bars to find the most appreciated images, newly updated images … as well as the account registration bar on the page.
Find yourself a picture(s) you like best.
There are two ways to download photos here
Way 1
Once you find an image you like, click on it. Click the download arrow (As shown in the image below).
After you click, it will display the following table.
In this table, you can customize the resolution, as well as the image quality. As you can see, the resolution and image quality are very high, up to more than 4K CZK.
This is the option to select the image quality.
After selecting, you click Download to download the image to your computer easily. Your photos will be downloaded automatically without any further action.
Way 2
Please click on the photo you like, but don’t click the download arrow like in Way 1you will be directed to the page Download photos, more details:
Here you can choose more suitable resolutions for your work. You just need to click on the image resolution you want to download and the image will be automatically downloaded on your computer.
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