With PikaTorrentyou can download torrent files from many different sources, manage downloaded files easily and protect your privacy. In this article, AnonyViet will introduce you how to use PikaTorrent. for efficiency.
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How to install and use PikaTorrent on Windows
Step 1: Install PikaTorrent from the Microsoft Store
PikaTorrent is now available on the Microsoft Store, go here This > Click Install > Get to install.
Step 2: After installation is complete, open the PikaTorrent application. You will see the application's simple interface, consisting of two sections:
- Torrents: Where you will do the torrent download.
- Settings: Where you will adjust the application's settings.
How to download torrent link
To add and download torrents with PikaTorrent, do the following:
Step 1: Click the Add button and choose how to get the file.
Step 2: You can copy the magnet link of the torrent file or click Select a torrent file to select from your computer. Next, click Add to add to the download list.
The file will be downloaded automatically and saved in the default Downloads folder.
Step 3: When the download is complete, right-click on the file and you will have options, including: Copy Link, Open Folder, Files, Edit Labels, Remove.
How to search for torrent links
In addition, PikaTorrent also has the function of searching torrents with Google, DuckDuckGo, Archive, FossTorrents and downloading with the application.
To search for torrents with PikaTorrent, follow these steps:
Step 1: You need to select the search service you want to use (the default is Google).
Step 2: Type the file name you want to search into the Pick a torrent online box > press Enter.
Search results will appear in the default web browser.
Step 3: After that, you can download the torrent file or click on the magnet link to download with PikaTorrent.
How to change PikaTorrent settings
The application settings section has many different settings in addition to changing the theme, language, adding search services, turning on and off protocols, changing connection ports, etc.
If you want to change where the downloaded file is saved, click the folder icon in Download directory.
PikaTorrent is a free and simple torrent download application on Windows. You can use it to find and download files easily and quickly. If you are looking for a lightweight torrent downloading application, you can try PikaTorrent!