I describe the steps to Vietnameseize the LauncherPro0.8.3plus as follows: All the steps below I do on Win 7, and on Windows XP and Linux is not much different, if necessary, I will guide you later.
Step 1: Install apktool and framework-res
– install java: http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp
– Download the attached apktool.zip file and extract 3 files
– On Windows start CMD (press Windows key type CMD – enter)
– The startup CMD program will see the path where you need to copy the 3 files above (in front of the prompt)
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Here I will copy 3 files to C: Usershhanco
– copy the file framework-res.apk to the same path as the 3 files above (this file is best taken in your phone or in the rom you download – /system/framework/framework-res.apk)
– On the window of CMD type the command
apktool if C:Usershhancoframework-res.apk Đường dẫn file framework-res.apk bạn phải sửa lại cho phù hợp Nếu thấy dòng như thế này
is the process of installing apktool and framework has been successful
Step 2: Extract the .apk . file
– Copy your .apk file to the correct path of framework-res
– On CMD type command
apktool d C:UsershhancoLaucherPRO.v0.8.3.apk
Type the correct path of the .apk file to be Vietnameseized (the file name should be written in uppercase and lowercase).
– A folder LaucherPRO.v0.8.3 will appear in C: Usershhanco is the process of extracting the .apk file complete.
Step 3: Vietnameseization
– Translate the strings.xml file: copy the strings.xml file in the path: LaucherPRO.v0.8.3resvalues and then proceed to translate the strings (open with notepad or wordpad) for example a string of strings:
<string name="pref_general_settings">Thiết lập tổng thể</string> <string name="key_excluded_activities">key_excluded_activities</string> <string name="key_hide_drawer_apps">key_hide_drawer_apps</string> <string name="hide_drawer_apps_title">Ẩn ứng dụng</string> <string name="hide_drawer_apps_summary">Cho phép bạn ẩn đi những ứng dụng mà bạn không sử dụng.</string> <string name="key_keep_in_memory">key_keep_in_memory_new</string> <string name="keep_in_memory_title">Giữ lại trong bộ nhớ</string>
– Vietnamese strings.xml files of the application you can translate by yourself or together by uploading to the page http://crowdin.net (I have attached some pre-translated strings.xml files for some apps in CM rom – Attach String_vi_CM.zip. This can be suitable for most froyo roms)
– After the translation is complete, a file is obtained strings.xml Vietnameseized
Here there are 2 Vietnameseization Methods:
Bilingual Vietnamese-English: if you want to add a Vietnamese option to the application, do it this way:
– Create a folder values-en in the path: C:UsershhancoLaucherPRO.v0.8.3res
– copy files strings.xml Vietnameseized go there
Turn English into Vietnamese : You want the application to always be Vietnamese even if you choose the language as English:
– Create a folder values-en (if not already) in the path:C:UsershhancoLaucherPRO.v0.8.3res
– Copy files strings.xml Vietnameseized there (overwrite the old file if there is one)
Step 4: Create .Apk . file
– On CMD run the command
apktool b ./LaucherPRO.v0.8.3
wait a while for the command to execute
– Then we get a file resources.arsc in C:UsershhancoLaucherPRO.v0.8.3buidapk
– Use a program to open the file (eg 7zip ) to open the LaucherPRO.v0.8.3.apk file
– overwrite files resources.arsc was obtained above on it
After this step, we still do not install according to the normal method (will report an error) but if we want, we can use root explorer to overwrite this .apk file into system/app and then set the file permissions and reboot to enjoy the results. . And if you want to install the normal method, then do one more step.
Step 5: Sign the .apk file (so that it can be installed on non-rooted devices)
– Download attachment: Autosign.zip
– unzip and run autosign.bat
– select 1 and then enter (if yes/no is asked, type yes and enter)
– select 2 and then enter (if asked yes/no, type yes and enter)
– select 3 and then enter (if asked yes/no, type yes and enter)
– Right click on the application you want to Sign and select Resign APK
Your App is Signed and Installable.
Note: With Vietnameseized applications in the ENGLISH-Vietnamese Bilingual method:
– Your phone must have a section to switch to vietnamese in the Setting/language and keyboard/select language/ section: you have to select it, then Vietnamese can be displayed.
– For phones that do not have Vietnamese language mode: go to Market Down an application called MoreLocale2 then select Vietnamese language, your phone will display Vietnamese in Vietnamese-English bilingual application.
With the above method with the system’s .apk files, we can make a completely Vietnamese ROM by ourselves.
If you can Vietnameseize any application, please share it here for you to use.