Currently, the Events on the Website or Fanpage all play lottery style, each person chooses a number and then posts it in the comment, on the day of dialing the Page’s Admin number, he will enter the page. to choose a random number, if the random number that appears is the same as the selected comment user, that person will win.
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However with a paragraph Javascript small, Admin can totally stipulate results will appear when the dial button is pressed, and each time the number is dialed, the number determined by the Admin. So they absolutely can choose acquaintances or nick clone mine to receive the prize.
So how to Cheating results at RANDOM.ORG
First you go to the page
Take advantage of the feature Inspect of the browser by the way below
- Chrome or Coc Coc: Press F12 . Key or Ctrl+Shift+J
- Firefox: press Ctrl+Shift+K
And paste the code below into the Console tab and press Enter:
Note: Replace the numbers: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 into the resulting numbers you want
(function() { var setResult = [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], count = 0, iframe = document.getElementById('homepage-generator').getElementsByTagName('IFRAME')[0], iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document, generator = iframeDocument.getElementById('true-random-integer-generator-button'), result = iframeDocument.getElementById('true-random-integer-generator-result'); generator.removeAttribute('onclick'); generator.onclick = function() { var n = count++; if (n >= setResult.length) return; result.innerHTML = '<img src="" alt="Loading..." />'; setTimeout(function() { result.innerHTML = setResult[n]; }, ((Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 2) * 100)); }; })();
Attention: The above code will output 6 numbers, if dialed the 7th time won’t appear new number. So please note to avoid detection, if you dial 3 times, choose only 3 numbers.
Some other ways of dialing to ensure prestige
Using AnonyViet’s tools
If you see the Admin of the Page or Website playing a dialing game, you should ask them to dial the number directly with Tool Random by AnonyViet to ensure objectivity.
Using functions in Excel
=RANDBETWEEN(số bắt đầu; số kết thúc)
For example: