Step 1: Hola fake ip US, log 1 clone 2009, change FB language to english (US)
Step 2: go to 2 links (14 years old rp) (13 years old rp)
Both of them do the same thing, the first box links the victim’s fb, the second box the victim’s fb name, the third box chooses 9 years (both of them), the last box fills in the following spell: This timeline is impersonating me and my friends. It harasses people on Facebook. I think this is a time line of baby, parents are not allowed. Please let Facebook account deactivated for Facebook is increasingly safer. Thank you.
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Step 4: report another photo or post victim with SEX content or violate political religion (how to understand), create a new acc, faker 99% info it, veri mail, phone number as possible, make friends with acc 2009 above, get the 2009 acc and report it forging the clone just created, continue to report close this user (one of the 2 acc will fly after the fb team approves :)) )
Step 5: get 1 acc as many real subs as possible, verified cmnd, resistant to rip ostrich types to report fake account -> other, send up :3
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