Nowadays AI (artificial intelligence) is applied in many fields. One of the AI products that AnonyViet has introduced before is as follows: split wallpaper online, face transplant online… Today we will experience a new technology that is automatically color the drawing by AI with Style2paints. With the feature of using Online on the Web, you will consume computer resources as well as installation time.
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About Style2paints
Style2paints is an open source that automatically colorizes drawings. With a drawing with only pencil sketches, Style2paints will automatically choose the right color and decorate the photo. Currently Style2paints V4 version with high quality output image. Style2paints will automatically separate layers according to AI calculations. These layers can be used directly in your drawing workflow. Unlike other online coloring tools, the results of the application are not ‘JPG/PNG’ images but ‘PSD’ layers.
Data processing process
With input data including:
● Pictures to color
(with or without) Human suggestion
(with or without) color style reference image
(with or without) Light position and color
Will parse the output data by:
● Auto color by recognizing black lines
● Auto color without lines
● Auto color with colored lines
● Auto-render (separated layer)
● Auto Coloring
Works like an artist’s process
Most artists are familiar with the process of creating a work:
Phác thảo -> tô màu -> thêm chi tiết -> tô bóng
And the corresponding classes are:
lớp line art + lớp màu phẳng + lớp màu tuyến tính + lớp bóng
Style2paints V4 is designed for this standard coloring process! In style2paints V4 you can automatically get separated results from each step!
Address to use Style2paints:
How to use Style2paints to automatically colorize drawings with AI
If you want to learn more about automatic coloring, you can watch the full video tutorial below:
You can use Google search with keywords: Line art
will result in sketch images without color.
Or visit the Web sites below to download sample images:
The example below will use this image as a template:
Visit our Online Coloring Website Style2paints. Server often crashes BUSY due to a large number of visitors. You should use it during off-peak hours. The main interface of the Website functions for each tool:
Auto color selection mode for drawings
Use the Upload image function:
Wait for 5 to 30 seconds and you will see the image is automatically colored in like the image below:
Then you can choose some other AI sample photos:
Now you will see the image become different:
You can zoom and move the canvas freely to check the details:
You can make some modifications to this color by setting some hint points.
You can click the handle button to update the result.
You can use the ALT key to select a color anywhere in the canvas. This is very important.
You can also check the base color
Then click Render mode .
Wait for 5 to 30 seconds, you should get something like this:
You can change the color of the light:
Then process:
As a result you will get:
If you want to modify these renderings, you can use the circle to more light and shadow, and use cross to remove light and dark.
Then download:
Customize your own colors
Basically, you can adjust the color and direction of the light in Rendering mode .
You can change the light and shadow of the photo.
You can use the circle to more light and dark.
You can use sign cross to remove light and dark.
Careful and careless mode
In the latest version you have two coloring modes: Careful and careless.
In Careful: The AI will draw carefully, and the result is very sharp and clean.
In Careless: The AI will draw in its own way and the results are stylized and harmonious.
You can save and load your hint points with this button:
When you click ‘save’ you will get something like:
You can copy these codes and save to notepad.
And you can load these codes by clicking ‘load’ and pasting these codes:
Q: Why can’t I export my results?
A: Please use Edge/Chrome. Please Are not use firefox.