Being impersonated by the Report is a common RIP for Trickers. Usually the Tricker will create a fake account with the same personal information and posts as the victim. Then use the fake nick to report impersonating the victim. Because the Facebook system is automatically censored, most of the nicks reported for impersonation will be RIP. The only is to appeal and Up the ID card has the owner’s information up. There is a faster way than using Tool Spam Unlock Impersonation. With the continuous submission of appeals to Facebook, your account will have a faster chance of unlocking.
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Share Tool Spam Unlock Impersonate Facebook
The way the Tool works is to automation Unlock process impersonation. Tool opens a Chrome window and fills in the necessary information by itself. The number of Chrome (Thread) windows open is up to you.
In Tool there is support reset 3G modem to change IP when Spam. If you use Viettel’s 3G USB, just click the file on.bat or off.bat to restart Modem get new IP. If you don’t have 3G USB, you can use the VPN software to get different Fake IP. The IP reset when Spam is necessary to avoid Facebook locking the Case.
Tool Spam Unlock Impersonation This is authored Great Billionaire belong buy back for 300k and share to members. They can be downloaded at the link below:
Download Tool Spam Unlock Impersonation
P/s: install Net Framework 4 to add library
How to use the impersonation unlock tool:
Download the Tool and extract it and run the file AutoSpamContact.exe
- Mail: enter the email account to unlock
- Photo: the path to the ID card image in your computer, in the form
- Thread: number of Chrome windows to open to spam. If the computer has a low configuration, it is better to leave the Thread less, lest the machine hang.
- Delay: time for each spam
- Done press Start to run tools