Today AnonyViet I would like to introduce to you a very cool paint rendering tool this can be said to be a prehistoric image rendering.
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This is the gay admin that I just tested :v
If you can’t watch the video on this article, click here let’s see
Step 1: Very simple! First you go to Paint available in the machine!
Step 2: Then open the tool => select the image to sketch
Step 3: Customize how to draw pictures (if you like) => Click Draw ! Then you wait for the image to load when there is a notification of completion
Step 4: You need to move the mouse in the middle of the paint canvas so as not to lose the rest of the image (don’t move the mouse at this time) ^^ => F9: start drawing; F10 : stop drawing
Note: You should use photos with 2 distinct colors (clear light and dark) for better playback!
Decompression pass:
Good luck !!!