What is an email signature?
Not a handwritten signature, but an email signature is a string that automatically appears at the end of every email you send to identify the sender or a business.
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The signature is created and used for a long time, does not change (that is called an electronic signature) including logo, font, font color and many other information along with a professional format arrangement… Today anonyviet.com will guide you to create a professional email signature in HTML and is extremely easy to do.
How to create Email signature
I will guide you to use a free but professional service to create HTML signatures.
First you enter htmlig . website
After entering the website -> Click Create a free signature
These are the cards you need to fill in to appear below your signature.
If omitted and not filled in, that part will not appear in the signature! Depending on what part you want to appear, fill in that part.
Main tab includes information about Logo, Name, Title, Email, Mobile Number, Company Name, Website Address, Company Phone Number, Fax and Address..
Social tab you can add your personal or business social media link (Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram…)
Tab Disclaimer This tab will be the content to note as well as the company’s charter. You can skip if not important.
Tab Banner an exclusive image or a banner intended to advertisement and increase attractiveness for individuals or businesses. Create unique and difference for signature
Style I’m sure you guys will understand if this is translated ( Type ) There are typeface, typeface for you to choose to to change to be suitable.
Select Create Signature after completing the above sections.
You should copy and paste content created in Preview (right side)
If you want to take any part, just select and copy that part
Support pasting into signature forms of most mail services Gmail, Outlook Mail, Yahoo…
And if you use email clients like Thunderbird, Outlook 2003-2016 then maybe Download Source back to the left side
Good luck
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