Many of you have asked me that now I have a VPS but I don’t know what to use it for. So, today I will guide you to create a Web Server on VPS with Hostvn Script for you to use!
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What is web server?
Web Server is a computer software capable of accepting requests from various Internet protocols including: HTTP/HTTPS
Webs Server can be used to make a website like Anonyviet or make Cloud Storage like NextCloud, Google Drive or an Online Shop, … etc.
What is Hostvn Script?
Hostvn Script is a panel on Linux that helps you quickly create Web Server and has built-in management tools. Because Hostvn Script is a Panel without an interface, it does not consume much RAM and VPS space.
Especially, Hostvn Script has built-in a lot of optimization tools for Website to help your website work faster, safer and more secure.
- VPS using CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 21.04, Debian 10 have not installed any services. (see how to register VPS at Vultr)
- Minimum RAM 512MB
- Use the root account.
Instructions for installing Webserver on VPS
In this article, I will guide you to install HOSTVN SCRIPT!
Step 1: Install HOSTVN SCRIPT with the following command:
wget && bash install
This took a while to install, everyone
Step 2: Enter your Email
Step 3: enter the IPv4 Public address of the VPS
Step 4: this it forces people to change the SSH port, but I advise you not to change it (if you change the SSH port, it’s 8282), choose the number first
Step 5: Install the PHP version you want to install. If you want to be stable, choose php7.4, choose 2
After this they will ask if you want to install another version of PHP. I don’t need to choose 2 Please!
That’s it, the installation is done. This part is going to take a while, folks.
Install wordpress on Web Server
Step 1: run HostVN Script with the following command
Step 2: here, you choose first to manage domain names
Step 3: Choose more domain name by selecting number 2
Step 4: Enter your domain name. For those of you who do not have a domain name, you can see more instructions on getting a free domain name from Freenom here. Remember to point the domain name to the VPS’s IP first.
Step 5: choose the source code to use (I use wordpress, so choose 1)
Step 6: they will ask if a database is available, then choose y
If so, they will ask to create a random database name. This is up to each person, choose y always give fast
Next will generate a random password. This is up to everyone
Step 7: At this step I recommend choosing first Please
Step 8: Change database prefix: this selects n Please
Step 9: Next enter your username in wp-admin (this will be the page to post, …vvv)
Then they will ask you to enter your email
Enter the website name
And here is the website information just created
Now you access the link: to login to the Website
So I have finished the tutorial on how to create a Webserver. If you don’t understand where, please leave a comment to let me know!