B1: check the victim’s hidden email
Join the channel Telegram belong to AnonyViet ???? Link ???? |
B2: FAKE ip US + English US language
B3: Report the fake Me ~> OTHER fake report ~> add a few more clone reports like that
Step 4: Go to the link: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/191122007680088 go to the 3rd line ~> the 1st line ~> the 1st line, the 1st box: the second victim’s facebook name: enter your email in the 3rd box: the 4th victim’s facebook name: the 5th victim’s email: the victimThis is an account created to impersonate me, please delete that account, I was worried if the account is not deleted, thank the team facebook.FAKE 1 of its ID and then upload the file and click send.
B5: go to the link: vi-vn.facebook.com/help.com/contact/651319028315841 box 1 : your email box 2 : link victimo 3 : facebook name victim1. date of birth victim died (yesterday) 2. victim’s date of birth3. death certificate file and then click send
Step 6: Go to the link:en-vn.facebook.com/help/contact/228813257197480 1 : your name in box 2 : victim’s facebook name 3 : victimô 4 email : link victim~> check the first box~> check the first box when did this person die (yesterday)~> insert the death certificate PSD file Click send
B7 :www.facebook.com/help/contact/1408156889442791 box1 : link victimô 2 : facebook name victimô 3 : 11 years box 4 : mantra 스 . 왜냐 하면 10 년 동안이이 2014에 합류 했다. so that many clones report that the avatar is a SEX image