If you want to improve internet speed but do not want to spend any money on buying a new package from a network provider. Then today’s article will give you a very effective solution. That is to install the Fastr extension. It will make the web page load speed of the chrome browser on the computer increase significantly.
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Fastr is a utility that helps speed up the loading of websites on the same domain. For example, you access anonyviet.com then redirect to anonyviet.com/author/minh-nhut You will see that the page load speed is extremely fast. It works similar to the SPA (single-page application) experience.
What is Single Page Application (SPA)?
SPA will only load the necessary part of the page, unlike a traditional web application (which reloads the entire page) when we interact with the website (like performing navigation). For example, when you are on the homepage, there will be a section header, footer of the site are common elements. Now I turn to the page Introduce such as. Then it will only reload the content of introducestill header, footer remains. Therefore, the website loading speed will increase significantly.
Install the Fastr extension for chrome to speed up the Internet
First, you should come in to install Fastr. Then you install the add-on as usual.
Confirm the setting by pressing More widgets.
After the installation is complete, you will see a significant and noticeable improvement in the loading speed of websites on a certain domain of chrome. Especially the pages that normally load like “turtle crawling”.
Thus, AnonyViet has shown you how to increase website loading speed. By installing the Fastr extension on Chrome is extremely simple. Although it works similar to SPA (single-page application), it doesn’t consume too much RAM of the computer.