Programming is how you create software programs, websites, games, etc. on the computer.
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You can see everything related to technology is programmed for example: Computer, phone, TV, etc. Everything always revolves around us, so there are many people who are interested in this but don’t know where to start, in this article I will show you how to start learning programming for anyone. never studied.
In this article, I will not only find you an array in the programming world because you will be the one to find that path, not someone to show you how to find it.
How to learn programming
When starting to learn programming, the first thing you should do is definitely learn a programming language. And here I will recommend that you choose C++ or Python as the first programming language to learn.
And the steps for you to start learning programming are as follows:
Step 1: Install dev C++ because I’m learning C++
Step 2: You can go to Anonyviet to find the course C++ or maybe go to Youtube to find it.
Step 3: When you are fully prepared, you can start learning.
Above are 3 steps for you to start learning a programming language!
Some mistakes when learning programming
In this paragraph, I will also talk about some more mistakes that you often make when learning to program.
The concept of learning “a programming language”
This is what most 90% of middle and high school students get when they just finished a course on a programming language. So where does it go wrong? You should see the article How to become a Backend Developer.
This is wrong in that a programming language can’t be completed even if you learn it for a lifetime, so those of you who are using this concept should change it to “basic” learning!
Finished studying but bad knowledge
I dare say 90% of you say that after completing a course, you won’t be able to do the math exercises because most of you finish 1 lesson and do 1 or 2 exercises, even if you don’t finish it, leave it there. then your knowledge will be uncertain and impossible.
There will be people who have completed their studies and have the right type of study; v. I say I finished my studies, but when I do a Project, it will be difficult for you to do without the support of google
Should learn how to google
Sometimes you will have questions and instead of searching Google, you will go to Programming Groups to ask and then people will curse you :v.
That’s why we often have a saying: the first thing a programmer needs to learn is how to Google it.