How to schedule text messages on iPhone is not only simple but also extremely useful. Although iPhone does not support the inbuilt message scheduling feature, users can still take advantage of the Shortcuts app to perform this operation easily. How to set up? Let's explore with AnonyViet through the article below!
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Instructions on how to schedule text messages on iPhone
Shortcuts is a powerful tool that helps automate tasks on iOS devices, including scheduling text messages. The steps are as follows:
Step 1: Open the Shortcuts app > Select the 'Automation' tab at the bottom.
Step 2: Tap the + icon in the top right corner to create a new Automation > Select 'Time of Day'

Step 3: Adjust the Time and Repeat parameters to your needs > Press 'Next
Step 4: Select 'Send message' in the Get Started section

Step 5: Click on Message (blue) and enter the message content you want to send > Select 'Recipients' and add to the list. You can also add more recipients if needed > Done

Note that message scheduling is not available for iMessage due to Internet connection and device usage requirements. Apple.
With the above steps, you can already know How to schedule text messages on iPhone extremely effective. Don't forget to enable the Notifications option to receive notifications about message status when creating shortcuts. Good luck!