Go to the victim’s wall, click on the box with 3 dots … xoq select: Report/block => send report => check the box: Report abuse of account of … => Confirm => select this log contains All content is not appropriate => Check box : Sex => continue => Check box to send report !
— After the report is done, fang 13 or 14 so it can be absorbed quickly
************************************************** ********************************************
Report 13 years old fake ip + locate new zip
Load :
press free, choose ok
Go to the link above to install Manual Geolocation in Chrome. After installation, click on the Manual icon and type “New Zeland” and then press Search
Go to: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/user-agent-switcher/lkmofgnohbedopheiphabfhfjgkhfcgf
Press free, choose ok…. fake ip foreign or vietnamese also
Click on the icon to select iphone
Follow below
~>> Fake IP “United Kingdom” Or “USA”
Step 1: You log in to your account
Step 2: You access this facebook address, to report violations:
Press F5 already ^^
Step 3: At this time, there will be 4 empty boxes on Facebook.
– The first box: Copy vs Paste the address of the person to report
– Second box: Write the name of the person to report
– Third box: Click to select 9 years…
– Fourth box: You paste this line in:
I think this child used wrong information about his account. He is 9 year old. Please remove his account. Thanks Facebook Teams
Step 4: You click send…That’s it!!!
************************************************** ********************************************
– RIP 14t https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/1408156889442791
– Use 1 link if you want to RIP
– Line 2 is the face name of the guy who wants to RIP
– Line 3 selects 11 years
– Line 4
– Hi Facebook Team – That child did wrong year of Birth To sign up for Facebook – I request Facebook Team delete that account as terms Facebook set out, – Thank you Facebook team
– Copy the above paragraph and send. OK
——————–Rip fake .. impersonation … often called FAQ ——————————
For those acc < 2k7 .. ACC 2K12 is dead…. zo report and wait for notice
: note about : you reported a bug
this account….timeline is not
delete (or delete)
—: go to support console : yes
text tell us . you
click : it impersonates me , and add row
This person is impersonating me to harass
and scam people I know and facebook
community. I ask teammates delete
facebook account.
thanks team facebook
—: wait a few hours it will die. old acc
RIP is very fast but don’t RIP 2k12 nicks back :3
Go to change avt + cover like the victim’s acc
Go to the victim’s wall => click the 3 dots => report/block => Check the box to send a report => Check “report an account violation of ..” => click confirm => Check “this time line” impersonating me or someone I know ..” => select “pretend to be me” => click continue => check box to send report => select continue => Select OK
————————— How to RIP Check Point ——————
Share Report checkpoint for these saints.
B1: Create a new facebook account nick.
B2: Fake Name + Avatar + cover photo – date
year of birth (no need for place of birth or name)
B3: Requires a mutual friend B4: Daily user timeline report
fakeidentified . ( I )
B5: F5 wait 1 minute to return.. let’s fly
— play whatever you want..don’t take me to test and don’t test everyone in the team —
———- RIP 5s ———-
Be patient and lose 1 clone
Step 1: Go to the victim’s wall ===>
same name + date of birth + place of residence
Step 2: Make a fake ID card
victim’s name date of birth place bla
Step 3: fake new IP sent
Step 4: If Facebook replies back
then use that clone to report the victim
===> Pretend to be me ===> Fake name
===> Get Results——————————
====================> Whispering Spell <======================== ==
– Report:
+ Part 1: 13t 14t (die or not, just test to know – for those of you who know fake IP)
1. IP: India
LG : India
Select 10 years.
I think this child used wrong information
about his birthday, he is 10 year old, please
remove this account
2. 13t IP Tho Nha Ky Hoq 1h die
Choose 9 years
Facebook -Pryvit oyuncu
13 altında bu hesap 1 çocuksahibi
Facebook’ta yer almak doğru değilHesap Facebookstatüsünü aşmak için yaratılmıştır
Bubebek ve Facebook toplum için tehlikeli
Ben hemenhesabını kapatmak Facebook Ekibi istedi
Size Facebook Ekibi ederiz.
3. RIP 14t for you IP Romania Looking forward to 1h -5h away
– Nu Este de 14 ani . Nu se poate utiliza Facebook Confirmare echipei mulțumim Facebook Echipa
4. All uncracked spells for those who are diligent
– This account is used photoshop fake identification. Facebook for online circumvention. Facebook account team lock this baby right now
– Over time I found out track here is a violation of the standard account of the age of the community to use facebook, it gives
the wrong age to pass facebook security level.Without the control of adults. I request to delete facebook account as true to the
agreements set forth on age using community. Would like to thank facebook
– This is the account of a child registered under a false date of birth, delete this acc
– i think this child used wrong information about his birthday, please remove this account
– ольнагць ац ать cука Гэтa аці 6’ецца мне ацл цяпер ацц ацi ортавы ары каманды, осыць шыqокi,
аму iсцi птушка проста эй мой кармленна птушкi. ахну Facebook аm
-I suggest removing these timelines, please. because put wrong year of birth to bypass Facebook security then it is
fake my friends and community
– That kid is my son. I was the baby’s father. please delete this account for me. thanks team facebook
– Hi Facebook. I’m reporting, I’m sure this timeline used fake IDs that look like real but
use photoshop. It is not yet 13 years old to join Facebook. It used the wrong date of birth, it was born in 2001. Please
check the identity of this account again . Because it’s not old enough. And it’s harassing friends on the online community
Facebook авця
асник ого ахунку 1 а ом о 13 оків
аво а асть Facebook
ахунок орений, об одолати атут Facebook
о Facebook оти
апитав Facebook оманда айно акрити ахунок
асибі Facebook Team