AnonSec is written in C# by Admin Blue in the AnonyViet group. The tool can encrypt all types of files that are contained in the same folder as it. Documents that are encrypted can no longer be viewed or used.
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Because AnonSec will change the structure of the file and change the file extension to .anonyviet. This makes it impossible for the computer to understand the file type and structure to run. You should consider before teasing your friends!
Tool written for the purpose of teasing and learning, should be considered before using. I will soon publicize the source code of AnonSec for those of you who are learning C# for reference.
What does AnonSec have?
- Admin Blue integrates a very unique encryption mechanism and is quite dangerous if it is in the same file system.
- There is no interface, open it and run immediately.
- Run directly without installation.
When opening with Windows 10, because the file extension code is a bit similar to WannaCry, it will be in danger. Absolutely no threat, if you discover any code that tracks or gets system information, I take responsibility.
In the directory I currently have tools and 3 other .txt files
When I run the software, the image will appear to cover the screen.
After I turned off the wallpaper, I was surprised because all the files were encrypted to the .frog . extension
All these files are encrypted data into an indeterminate form and cannot be recovered. It will be very dangerous if you leave it in the important folder of the C drive because it will encrypt the files there. Lead to system crashes and even destroy windows.
Download AnonSec software
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Please repeat !! Encrypted files will lose data, be renamed and cannot be recovered, so think carefully before attacking the victim. I will soon publish the source code of this tool for you to learn more about C#.
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