This Scan Mail Sll Tool is software Scan Google Mail created by AMC group, you can use it to scan gmail, phone number of any website. Very useful for marketers or spammers. For those of you who like to scan Gmail for marketing needs. Then Anonyviet think this tool is a product that you should not ignore. Because the tool interface is completely in Vietnamese, easy to use and understand. Deep scan feature, filter phone carriers after scanning for you.
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This is a very clean tool developed for marketers. Therefore, you can rest assured about the quality and comfortable use. Support to check whether mail is alive or dead. That means it checks if it finds that mail inactive for a long time, it’s dead. It is possible that the email is no longer used by the owner. Any email that is still alive is being used every day. So filtering live or dead mail will ensure more effective marketing.
Download software
Software developed to support marketing and promotion. Apply to companies or purposes depending on the user.
You can access to download below.
What is the first thing you need to do? You paste the link to scan into the Url box as shown in the blackened image. Photo below.
After pasting the link, you choose the location to store the scanned file. You choose the location where you want to save the phone number and email in the place you want. After the software has finished running, it will save a text files where you have chosen. In that text file will save the content of the information that has been scanned.
Next, you choose the button Process to conduct a scan.
Especially the tool can classify network operators vina, mobile, viettel based on phone numbers. This will be convenient for those who want to filter out a list of vina numbers, a list of mobi numbers, etc.
After scanning is complete, you can go to the saved text file to check again.
Then filter the information to find.
And those are the steps to Scan Mail I have already guided you through this post. If you have any questions, please ask in the Comments section.
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