How to check bad debt by phone number is one of the concerns of many borrowers. If you are planning to borrow money from a bank, financial company or other credit institution, you need to check your bad debt before borrowing.
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What is bad debt?
Bad debt is debt that is overdue for 90 days or more according to the regulations of the State Bank. There are 5 groups of bad debt, starting from group 1 (non-standard debt) to group 5 (debt at risk of capital loss).
To know if you have bad debt or not, you need to check bad debt regularly. Because bad debt will greatly affect your ability to borrow capital. If you are planning to borrow money from a bank, financial company or other credit institution, you need to check your bad debt before borrowing.
If you have bad credit, your ability to borrow money will be limited. You may be denied a loan, or if you are granted a loan, you will be subject to higher interest rates and stricter loan conditions.

What is CIC?
CIC is Vietnam's National Credit Information Agency, part of the State Bank of Vietnam. CIC does not operate for profit purposes, undertakes state management tasks in the field of credit information and supports the State Bank of Vietnam in implementing the goals of preventing credit risks and enhancing credit information. Access to credit for all individuals and organizations, contributing to economic development.

CIC has built and deployed the “CIC Credit Connect” application (iCIC) on a smartphone application platform. This application provides free services for individuals and businesses to look up their credit information. iCIC is a useful solution that helps users capture their credit information quickly, easily and accurately.
2 ways to check bad debt by phone number
Method 1: Check on CIC's website
Step 1: Access to CIC's website > Click 'Register'

Step 2: Fill in information

Step 3: Enter the OTP code sent to the phone number you used to register to complete login.

Step 4: After successfully registering an account, you will need to verify your personal information. CIC will send an authentication code to the phone number or email address you registered. Enter the authentication code and click Confirm. If the authentication code is incorrect, you can click Resend authentication code to have CIC send a new authentication code.
After successfully verifying information, you will receive a notification from CIC. You have to wait 1 to 3 days for CIC to confirm your information.
Step 5: After your information is confirmed by CIC, you can look up your bad debt. To look up bad debt, click on 'Report report'.

Step 6: You choose the form of search: online search, search at the point of exploitation. If you choose to look up online, you need to enter the OTP authentication code sent to the registered phone number.
Step 7: After paying the search fee, you will receive the search results within 24 hours. The search results will include the following information: Personal information, credit history information, information about current debts.
If you have bad debt, the search results will clearly state your debt group. The higher your debt group, the greater your risk level.
Method 2: Check via CIC Credit Connect application
Step 1: You need to download the CIC Credit Connect application on the App Store or Google Play.

Step 2: Access the application and log in.
Step 3: Select “Look up credit information”.
Step 4: Fill in your phone number.
Step 5: Click “Look Up”.
Bad debt check results will be displayed immediately after you press “Search”. The results will include information about your debt group, your delinquency start date, and your total outstanding balance.
How to check bad debt by phone number is a quick and convenient way for you to control your personal financial situation. You just need to have the owner's phone number and access CIC's website or application to look up credit information. In addition, you should also clear bad debt as soon as possible by fully paying principal and interest, helping you improve your credit history and increase your ability to borrow money in the future.