For facebook programmers (hack like, bot like, …), the term token is not too strange. It is a string of codes that identifies and identifies the user, which includes information about when the code will expire and the application that generated it.
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Because of privacy checks, most Facebook API calls require an access token. In short, the user code (token) allows the application or site to read, modify, and retrieve the data of that account.
Today AnonyViet will share 500 support LIVE tokens for those who want to buff like, sub for personal wall. You should not use tokens on viplike sites, so it will be easy to die tokens!
Because the number of tokens is limited and Facebook is quite strict these days, the token die is quite a lot, so I will divide it in 4 batches, each batch is about 125 tokens to avoid mass token die if I share 1 link!
You can use Facebook BigPack Tools let buff like, sub with tokens!
In addition, to check the life – death of the token, you can use the Check Token function of Facebook BigPack Tools and the Check Info tool to check the bulk token information too 😀
Updated on June 21, 2018 – Share phase 1
Status: Newly created token, still live
Quantity: 125 tokens
Download Link:
Download 125 Token Live June 21, 2018
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AnonyViet wishes you success !!