You may not know, Facebook has a hidden Dark Mode feature on iPhone, but you need to manually set it up and tweak Facebook's system file to activate it. The Dark Mode feature will help your eyes feel softer when using Facebook at night. Especially the mysterious black color always makes people more excited than the traditional white color of Facebook. In this article, AnonyViet will guide you how to activate Facebook Dark Mode for Jailbroken iPhone.
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Instructions for installing Facebook Dark Mode for Jailbroken iPhone
Note that the iPhone needs to be jailbroken before doing this. If you don't know how to jailbreak, see the instructions here Jailbreak with unc0ver 5.0 in all current iPhone Firmware.
The advantage of activating this Facebook Dark Mode feature is that it comes directly from Facebook, not from another source. Therefore, the interface and dark colors will be easier to see than other tweaks. When you enable this feature, you will experience this feature before Facebook's Dark Mode feature officially launches.
Install the necessary tweaks:
- Filza
- Icleaner
- File Dark Mode (Download)
Download File Dark Mode, then use Filza to copy the file follow the path:
Next you need to follow the steps below to avoid losing Dark Mode when exiting multitasking or respringing your iPhone:
- Install tweak name: Terminal at source:
- Tweak settings name: NewTerm (IOS 10-13)
- Install tweak name: file-cmds
Remember when installation is complete Respring back to the machine.
Go to the app NewTerm:
Step 1: enter su
—> enter
Step 2: will ask for password -> enter alpine
press enter. enter (When entering, it will not display anything, after entering, just press enter).
If successful, you will see a notification root#
Step 3: Next enter the command:
chflags schg /var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/77837032-CE1B-4563-B029-059881EAA129/Library/Preferences/
Attention The path of each device will be different in Filza as instructed above
For example: /var/monbile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/Facebook/Library/Preferences
Then ../Facebook/.. is the code 77837032-CE1B-4563-B029-059881EAA129 Because each machine has a different code
You can copy it at Filza to avoid having to write too much.
If Facebook is open, close Facebook and reopen it. Then enter Settings -> Settings & privacy will see more features Dark mode.
** If you find the above steps complicated, you can install tweak FacebookDark (system) in the source repo:
Now you can use Facebook Dark Mode forever. If you update Facebook to a new version, you need to start over from the beginning.