How to leave multiple groups on Facebook at the same time is an issue that many Facebook users are concerned about. You may have joined many groups on Facebook for various reasons, but after a while you realized that those groups are no longer suitable for you, or you don’t want to receive too many notifications from those groups. . Don’t worry, AnonyViet will guide you how to leave many of the above groups Facebook at the same time in the simplest and most effective way.
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How to leave multiple groups on Facebook at the same time
Step 1: To exit multiple Facebook groups at once, you need to visit the Groups section of your account. You can do this by tapping the group icon on the app’s navigation bar.
Or you can click on the 3-line menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen, then scroll down and select Group. Here, look at the upper right corner of the screen, there will be a Settings icon, select it.

Step 2: After selecting the Settings icon, you will see a number of options appear. You need to pay attention to the Members section. When you select this item, you will see a list of groups you have joined. Next to each group, there will be a Leave group button so you can exit that group easily.

Step 3: Finally, you just need to press the Leave group button of the groups you want to leave. A message will appear for you to confirm again. Please click the Leave group button in that notification to complete. You will receive a notification You have left the group below the screen, meaning you have succeeded.

How to leave multiple groups on Facebook at the same time It’s not too difficult if you know how to use the features and tools available on Facebook. I have introduced to you the simplest and easiest way to do it. Wishing you a successful application!