Extension on Chrome browser allows users to install support utilities. With different functions, these applications help users to have a better experience. And also stimulate the creativity of developers.
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However, the opposite of the benefits it brings. There are also many extensions that make your browser sluggish because it has to process a lot of data. The trick will help you restricted activities of extensions. By just for the Extension to work on some websites pre-installed.
How to install Extension that only works on some websites
Firstlyyou open the extension manager by clicking the 3 dots on the upper right of Chrome => Công cụ khác => Tiện ích mở rộng.
Or can access directly here.
Step 2: Here, you select the utility to install and click detail.
Step 3: In section Permissionyou choose to access On specific websites.
Step 4: Enter the website address and press More.
In addition, you also have the choice of On Click. With this mode, extensions won’t work until you tap on their icon. This is a pretty cool option that will help you use the utilities you rarely use but don’t want to delete them.
Summary of the article
Thus, AnonyViet has shown you how to install the extension’s access rights on Chrome browser. As a result, you can use the browser more efficiently. However, in order for your computer to work smoothly without lag when using the browser. Then delete all unused extensions to free up space and resources they take away to free up space and resources. stay active.