Cafes, commercial centers are now all Share Password Wifi by QR code, you do not need to enter each password character when connecting to Wifi. The reality of asking for Wifi in the temple is probably no longer strange to you. Especially for students or in motel rooms, where only your room has a wifi router :)). To fix that situation, the way I see most people using it is to set a long wifi pass or something like this fajf&Y*^Rfkjh. So, in this article, I will show you how to create a Wifi connection QR code to quickly connect to Wifi, without you needing to reveal the password.
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This method will be extremely useful for you who do not want to use wifi. You just put a really twisted pass for yourself, then force it to enter, give up anyway, and when you give it to Crush, just give the QR code to scan it for it’s convenience.
How to create a QR code to connect to Wifi
If you want to share Wifi with others, but don’t want them to know what your password is, you can generate a QR code for them to scan and connect. The feature of this method is that after scanning the QR,
Step 1: Go to the page
Step 2: Enter the Wifi’s SSID, encryption type, and password.
SSID is your home’s Wifi name. You open Cmd by pressing Windows + CHEAPpress cmd already Enter. Then enter this command to get the SSID of the connected wifi:
Netsh WLAN show interfaces
You notice where Authentication is the encryption type, as shown in the picture is WPA2
Step 3: Press “Generate” to generate QR code and save to save the QR code to your device.
You can also use other tools like ZXing’s QR code generator hor QR4’s generator to generate a QR code. Now, you don’t need to enter the password for each person anymore.0
If you don’t want to use any website, you can also use Siri Shortcuts from your iPhone or iPad to generate a QR code. And if you’re using a phone running Android 10, you can share the QR code available in that Wifi hotspot settings.
How to share wifi password with QR code on iOS
Shortcuts app for iOS is a very useful way to automate your iPhone or iPad. So you can also share your Wi-Fi password as a QR code using the Shortcuts app.
Step 1: Get the app Shortcuts app from the App Store if you haven’t already.
Step 2: Open the app, and press the “+” at the top to create a new shortcut.
Step 3: Click on the “Settings” icon and give the Shortcut a name, for example, “Share Wifi”. You can also tap on the “icon” to change it to something more suitable for Shortcuts functionality.
Step 4: Now you need to get detailed information about the network. You can do this by adding the “Get Network Details” action. Since it is Wi-Fi, you need to select “Network” as “Wi-Fi” and in the “Get” field select “Network Name”.
Step 5: Next you need to provide the Wifi password. The easiest way is to add a “Text” action and enter your Wifi password.
Alternatively, you can set Shortcuts to prompt you for your password every time you run Shortcuts Share Wifi. To do this, you can add an “Ask for Input” action. In the “Ask” field, you can specify a question, such as “Enter the Wi-Fi password”.
Step 6: To generate a QR code for a Wi-Fi network, you need to create a new string with the following format: WIFI: T: WPA; S:; P: ;;
“T” stands for authentication type (WPA or WEP), “S” stands for network name, and “P” stands for password. The order of the fields doesn’t matter.
But since we already have the Wi-Fi network name and password from steps 4 and 5, you can simply specify them by selecting the “Network Details” and “Ask for Input” variables from the options listed above. below.
Step 7: Once you’ve created the string, you can generate a QR code using the “Generate QR Code” action. You can also specify the “Error Correction” option to Low, Medium, Quartile, or High, which will give you data recovery options if the QR code is corrupted.
Step 8: Next, add the “Quick Look” action to preview the output. This will allow you to view the generated QR code.
Step 9: Complete Shortcuts. You can now run Shortcuts by clicking the “Play” button.
So that’s it then. Here, there are a few problems, QR codes are convenient and fast, but this is also the top goal of Hackers. You won’t know if the QR code someone gives you is real. Hackers can also trick you into downloading software or visiting fraudulent websites without your knowledge. So, please read the following article to best protect yourself:
Connect to Wifi by scanning QR code
You can use the QR code scanning software on Android, or on iPhone, use the Camera application to scan.
When scanning the QR code, the phone will display a message to connect to the network “Your Wifi Name”.
Continue to press the Connect button, so guests will be able to access the network Wifi network without knowing what the password is.
Now you are not afraid of others knowing the password and sharing it with strangers.