If you are a marketer, you need to advertise your products on the Internet. The best that’s free nowadays is to email multiple people. Sending Email to the right audience to promote products will help you get more orders. So how to collect many Emails and the right audience. Use Email Extractor software.
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Email Extractor help you to collect all Emails of desired Websites. Especially, you can search email customers by keyword. For example, you need to find potential customers for real estate, phones, laptops…
Email Extractor is a great helper in implementing email marketing campaigns. Every email campaign requires a large list of email addresses. It is almost impossible to extract email addresses manually. Email Extractor is a perfect tool to build your customer email list using data collection tools. You can use the Email Extractor Full provided by AnonyViet.
Email Extractor will help you get Email in the following ways:
- Search Engines: find emails using Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.
- Website: scan email in subpages on the specified Website.
- Email Accounts: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail – scan emails using POP3 and IMAP.
- Computer: scan all folders, files on your computer (word, excel, pdf..)
- Website Owners Info: Get email from Whois Domain
- Url List: scan by specified Website list.
Here is an example that I will collect Emails from an e-commerce site. According to my inference, on sales pages often, sellers will often leave Emails for customers to contact. This is going to be a rich resource for us to get their Emails.
Just enter the address of the Website you need to get Email into the URls box (you can fill in multiple Websites). Then click on the . button Start Search. You can choose the depth for the bot to collect, by choosing at Scan depth. The deeper the bot will collect Emails.
After getting the required number of Emails, click on Save Emails to save the list.
With version Trial you can’t save it, but the Email Extractor Full Because AnonyViet share has been cracked, you can use all the features of the version Pro.
Run on a virtual machine or VPS to support“baby” sticky light attached
Password: anonyviet.com