Do you want to have a beautiful black and white photo like a Korean idol without having to retake or edit much? Do you want to try the feeling of becoming a famous Kpop star? If the answer is yes, let’s go with it AnonyViet Follow this article to know How to create hot trend black and white photos Look like a Korean idol with just a few simple steps on your phone.
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How to create black and white hot trend photos like Korean Idols
Step 1: Using your phone, access the page Pixble
Pixble is a website that allows you to superimpose your face onto someone else’s photo in a natural and realistic way. You can put your face on pictures of famous characters, actors, singers, or anyone you like. You just need to have a picture containing your face and a picture containing the face of the person you want to match.
Step 2: Click on the 3 dots > Select “Products”

Step 3: Select “Faceswapper”

Step 4: Click “Try For Free”

Step 5: Upload a black and white idol photo you like
Here I have some templates that you can download to use:
Step 6: Click “Face Swap” to let the system identify the face in the image

Step 7: Scroll down, you will see a round box, click on it and upload a picture containing your face

Note: You should choose a photo with a similar shooting angle to the black and white idol photo so that the face transplant result is most natural and harmonious.
Step 8: Click the “Upload” button at the bottom.

The system will match your face to the black and white idol image and display the results after a few minutes.
And we have the following result:

So you know How to create hot trend black and white photos Look like a Korean idol with just a few simple steps on your phone. You can save or share your face matching results with friends or on social networks. You can also try merging your face into other images to create unique and interesting photos. Wishing you success and fun!