Tool Auto Posting To Groups was shared by Nguyen Cong Hieu on J2Team group. This tool will automatically post articles to the Groups you have joined. The Tool's feature helps you post to many Groups at the same time with different content and images.
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How to use Tool Auto Posting To Groups
Code to automatically post to Facebook Group
Use the Auto Posting To Groups Code below to save it as a .html file and run it directly on your computer using the Chrome browser.
Auto Post To Groups
The Tool interface will look like this:
How to post articles to Facebook Groups yourself
Step 1: Get Token
Click on the line “First click here to get the token“. Then multiply Ctrl + F typing "EAAA” will see your Token. Take the Token and paste it into the box Access Token Please
Step 2: Get Group Id and fill in Spam Target
There are 2 ways to get Group ID:
– If you want to get all the IDs of the Groups you have joined, click on the button Get Groups ID.
– To get any Group ID, copy the group link and go to the page then press Find numerical. The result will show a series of numbers which is the Group ID.
You can spam posts to multiple groups by entering the Group IDs separated by semicolons “;”.
For example: 11111111111; 22222222222
Step 3: Fill in post content (Caption)
This is fine. This is fine too. Can be filled in. Multiple Captions Yes, it will randomly pick each post.
Characters "|" is the distance between each caption.
For example: Oh, he's so handsome. Oh, he's so handsome.🙂)
Step 4: URL (This is the image link and is required)
As for where the photo link is from, I probably won't mention it anymore. This is just one :))
Step 5: Timer (Posting interval of each post)
The default here is 10000 milliseconds = 10s. Leaving a longer time will avoid being detected as spam by Facebook.
Step 6: Usage – Functions
Then everyone presses “Submit” to start the Tool.
Button "Clean" is to delete the log of previous processes.
Still "Get Groups ID" is to get all the IDs of the groups you have joined. Note that using this can have both J2Team in which
Author's Note:
Everyone please use it gently. In case of accident Block me not responsible where
Author interface borrowed from form bootstrap yours Nguyen Anh Nhan.
Code download link:
By: Nguyen Cong Hieu from J2Team