In this section, I will show you how to add scores to the LevelMap so that it can update the number of stars after the game is over.
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About how to handle the problem of this part, I will explain as follows:
+ First I will need a script and that script can be accessed anywhere, this script will be responsible for storing specific data here is the score of each map.
+ I will calculate the score achieved by 1 map in the script of EndLevelMenu, this score if you want to calculate it will need: (number of coins collected / total number of coins in the map) * 100.
+ To get the total number of coins, I will add the coin scene to a group called dongxu and I have a function get_tree().get_nodes_in_group(“dongxu) which will allow me to get all the coins available on the scene and This function will return array.
+ Then in LevelMap some children Level1,2,.. I will assign the variable SoDiem did in the previous part equal to the score in the script containing the data.
Autoload scripts
This is a feature of Godot that allows you to turn a script into an autoload script, meaning it always runs no matter what scene you are in and can be accessed anywhere.
My friend made me a new script called PlayerData in Scenes
Then go to Project -> project settings -> Autoload
Click on the folder icon.
Find the script just created
Click on add and you will see it displayed in the box below.
Add group scene coin
Through the coin scene
On the right side next to signals, click on the group and type the group name -> click add to add the node to the group
In the Map1 scene, I will add 1 Node2D to contain DongXu nodes to keep it neat.
Then I edited it so it’s easy to collect
How much you adjust the coin is up to you, not necessarily like me.
In the Player’s script, you just need to add yourself a variable that is:
onready var max_dongxu = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("dongxu")
This variable I use to determine the total number of coins in the map.
In the Playerdata autoload script that I just created above, I added a Dictonary variable named score and it is responsible for carrying the score of each map.
extends Node var diemso = { "Map1": 0, "Map2":0, "Map3:": 0, }
extends CanvasLayer onready var level = get_parent().get_node("KhuVucDiChuyen") onready var map = get_parent().name onready var player = get_parent().get_node("Player") var diemso func _on_NutLevelKeTiep_pressed(): get_tree().paused = false get_tree().change_scene(level.LevelKeTiep) diemso = int(( float(player.dongxu) /player.max_dongxu) * 100) if diemso > PlayerData.diemso[map]: PlayerData.diemso[map] = diemso pass # Replace with function body. func _on_NutChoiLai_pressed(): get_tree().paused = false get_tree().reload_current_scene() print("choi lai") pass # Replace with function body. func _on_NutVeMenu_pressed(): get_tree().paused = false get_tree().change_scene("res://Scences/Map/LevelMap.tscn") diemso = int(( float(player.dongxu) /player.max_dongxu.size()) * 100) if diemso > PlayerData.diemso[map]: PlayerData.diemso[map] = diemso pass # Replace with function body.
Here, I declare 3 more variables:
+ map: for me to identify the name of the map I am playing.
+ player: so that I can get the number of coins collected and the total number of coins in the map.
+ diemso: calculate the score you achieved.
func _on_NutLevelKeTiep_pressed(): get_tree().paused = false get_tree().change_scene(level.LevelKeTiep) diemso = int(( float(player.dongxu) /player.max_dongxu) * 100) if diemso > PlayerData.diemso[map]: PlayerData.diemso[map] = diemso
diemso = int(( float(player.dongxu) /player.max_dongxu) * 100)
: is the formula I calculate the score.
if diemso > PlayerData.diemso[map]:
I check if the diemso of this level is greater than the existing score, it will add this score and vice versa.
I will do the same with the NutVeMenu function because when you show the EndLevelMenu, you have already completed it, so exiting or continuing to play will count and if you press play again, it will not.
Level Script
You passed yourself the Level scene in the LevelMap.
And in the _process function, I add 1 line to update the score.
SoDiem = PlayerData.diemso[MapName]
I will have the full code as below:
extends Control export (String) var MapName export (String,FILE) var Scene export (String) var Level onready var ngoisaovang = preload("res://Assets/LevelMap/3 UI/Star1.png") var SoDiem = 0 func _ready(): $SoLevel.text = Level func _process(delta): SoDiem = PlayerData.diemso[MapName] if SoDiem >= 1 and SoDiem <= 30: $NgoiSao1.texture = ngoisaovang elif SoDiem >= 30 and SoDiem <= 95: $NgoiSao1.texture = ngoisaovang $NgoiSao2.texture = ngoisaovang elif SoDiem >= 95: $NgoiSao1.texture = ngoisaovang $NgoiSao2.texture = ngoisaovang $NgoiSao3.texture = ngoisaovang func _on_HinhTron_pressed(): get_tree().change_scene(Scene) pass # Replace with function body.
So after collecting all the coins I added and returning to the Level Menu, I will get 3 stars.
In that Menu, you edit the code where the Start button is, the change_scene is the scene Level Map.
So I have finished guiding you how to add the number of stars achieved, in the next part I will guide you how to lock the level again and unlock the next level.