You often wonder on this virtual social network, who cares about you the most, who often chats, likes, and shares your content. Although Facebook does not offer this feature, will help you check who is most interested in you. will scan all your statuses for statistics. Those who regularly like, share, comment your status will be put on the TOP. From there you will have the results who interact with you the most.
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Besides also statistics who you often chat with, namely Messenger chat and give a specific number. Do not use this feature in front of your girlfriend, maybe it will be revealed because you talk a lot with other people.
How to check who interacts with you the most on Facebook
To see who interacts with you frequently on Facebook, do the following:
Visit the homepage Howis.mepaste your personal facebook link in the box Facebook Profile URL.
- If you do not enter the Token, the website can only statistics the public status.
- If you enter Token, you can see the statistics of all statuses. (How to get Token Full rights).
Click on Create Cards, then Click View.
The list of interactions statistics will produce the following results:
From here you can determine who is most interested in you.
How to check who you message the most on Facebook
Besides checking who interacts with you the most, you can also check who you messaged with most often on Facebook. Don’t let the bear find out!
You go to Facebook and press the key combination Ctrl Shift I or F12, paste the code below Console tab and press Enter
Wait a moment, you will be redirected to the page yourself Howis.mehere will statistics who you messaged the most on Facebook in order from top to bottom:
How to check who visits Facebook most often and interacts with you the most. You can also see who you message with the most in Messenger. You and that person must have a special relationship.