In games, movies, trailers, etc. The character is always a central thing to make a game, movie work, more attractive and always revolve around it. To put it bluntly, characters, graphics are a must when designing video games, making movies, drawing stories. But the way to draw it is very available and there are many styles.
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So today I will share Download Udemy’s Pixel Graphics Drawing Course and mainly use it for game graphic design. And this course is worth $84.99 on Udemy.
Download Udemy’s Pixel Graphics Drawing Course
Contents of Udemy’s Pixel Graphics Drawing Course
Pixel art is quite popular overseas and has been on the decline in recent years. When you take the course, you can draw pixel graphics and then you can go to work at Game Studio, Game Company because pixel art is mostly just for making games. Or if you want to be both a game developer and a pixel artitst, that’s okla.
How can you apply the knowledge in this course?
This can be a tough question :), but if you guys want to know what pixel art can do in an era where vector graphics is on the top and pixel art is going down, I’ll give you some ideas I know/ understand.
+ For Pixel Art now if you are an indie game, you can learn it and create your own graphics + games.
+ Or you can sell it on, gamedevmarket, etc for about $1-$10, if you have a little English, you can work in small studios or simply go upwork, fiverr to work as a freelancer but the rate of eating is very low
+ You can make youtube videos on how to teach pixel art, do drawing courses, etc.
The above actions, I only see one way, which is the first one. This is an easy money-making opportunity in the game industry that I reveal to you. You can seize the opportunity in the first + sign that you have if above, just do about light games but attractive storylines that attract players + your own bold graphics + gameplay game that combines genres, you can earn up to 100 million with that game :).
Download the course
Remember to use software that supports downloading torrent files to download.
Here is the link to download the pixel drawing course: