In the previous post, I introduced free systems to help monitor if the Website is down or has problems, if the Website is down, you will receive a warning about Email or Telegram, SMS… If you do not want to use the Website, you will receive a warning. 3rd party, you can create your own alert system with Uptime Kuma’s Docker.
Install Uptime Kuma to warn when the Website has a Downtime network failure
Surely Webmaster or Admin will be very headache if the Website has problems for a long time without you noticing. The best solution is to build a warning system when the Website is down, inaccessible, there will be a message sent to you.
The previous post I introduced 3 ways to warn the website is down, but using a 3rd party system and not much tweaking. Today I will show you how to create an alarm system when Website has problems with Uptime Kuma with scan frequency 20 seconds/timehelping you promptly detect when the Website is no longer accessible.
In this article, I take advantage of VPS Orcale Free forever for life 1Core – 1GB RAM to install Uptime Kuma
What is the Kuma Uptime feature?
- Uptime monitoring for HTTP(s)/TCP/Ping/DNS Record/Push/Steam Game Server/Docker Containers Keywords.
- Fancy, Reactive, Fast UI/UX.
- Report issues via Telegram, Discord, Gotify, Slack, Pushover, Email (SMTP) and 90 other messaging platforms
- Monitor every 20 seconds
- Language support
- Multiple status pages
- Ping chart
- SSL Term Notice
- Proxy support
- Support 2FA
How to install Uptime Kuma What is it?
Using Docker
On Terminal type the command:
docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1
After running, you can enter Uptime Kuma already.
On the browser open the path: http://IP-Pubic:3001
Install Uptime Kuma manually
Preset Requirements:
Open Terminal and type the command:
sudo apt update sudo apt install nodejs sudo apt install npm npm install npm -g git clone cd uptime-kuma npm run setup npm install pm2 -g && pm2 install pm2-logrotate pm2 start server/server.js --name uptime-kuma
After running, you can enter Uptime Kuma already.
On the browser open the path: http://IP-Pubic:3001
How to use Uptime Kuma to send messages to Telegram when Website is Down
After installing Uptime Kuma, you need to create an account to manage.
Then access the main interface of Uptime Kuma, select
Enter the following information:
- Monitor Type: HTTP(s)
- Friendly Name: Name your Website
- URL: Website address to track
- Heartbeat Interval (Check every 20 seconds): Checking time, at least 20 seconds/time. In my opinion, 20 seconds should be beautiful
- Retries: number of times to recheck when Website is down, should be left 0 to try continuously until the Website is alive again
- Heartbeat Retry Interval (Retry every 20 seconds): number of seconds per retry when Website is Down, should be left 20
Next, click on the button Setup Notificationto configure the alert feature about Telegram.
You open Telegram, find BotFather: @BotFather or go to this path:
Press the button Start
In turn, type the following command into the Father bot:
or give it another name as you like
or give it another name as you like
Then you will see 1 link and 1 HTTP API (note this code to copy again) as shown below
Click on the link that the bot gives you (4), click the Start button to chat with your bot
Then text chao anonyviet
with the bot just created
Now back to the Uptime Kuma page, in the Setup Notification, you do the following steps step by step:
- Notification Type: Telegram
- Friendly Name: Set a name you like
- Bot Token: Copy paragraph HTTP API that the Bot Father gives you
- Click the button AutoGet, you will see a sequence of numbers appear in the chat ID (In case you don’t see the number sequence appear, go to chat with the bot you just created)
- Save

That’s it, go back to the Setup page and press the . button Save again/
Now you try to crash your Website by setting DNS Website to IP, you will receive a message from Telegram similar to the following:
In addition to Telegram you can configure to send Email, Slack, Signal, Microsoft Teams…. depending on your need