After being discovered in testing late last month, now, Facebook has officially launched the new “Care” – “Thuong Thuong” emoji for both Facebook and Messenger. The icon is in the form of a smiley face with two hands holding a heart, as if taking care of someone. This reaction so people can show more love and compassion to their friends and family.
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As you can see, on Facebook, the icon “Care” – “Thuong Thuong” depicts a smiley character holding a heart and will be the seventh reaction added to Facebook.
The “Care” emoji will start appearing on the main Facebook app (the emoji face embracing a heart), while the new reaction will appear on Messenger (as a beating heart) from today . You can see new hearts by tapping an existing response to change it or by creating a new response to a chat.
How to display the new Facebook and Messenger “Care” emoticon
Facebook is gradually updating the Care icon feature to worldwide accounts. Facebook’s new “hug” icon is available, so all you have to do is use it long-press the heart icon to see the new reaction. To change back to the old Emoji just long press and select the old one.
If you are a lucky person, you will receive a Care icon in the Reaction set on Facebook. If you haven’t already, you’ll need to wait for your account’s turn, maybe this month.
Update April 30, 2020
Currently, Facebook has fully updated commercial reactions on PC and IOS, Android. To get the emoticon hugging the heart you need to do the following:
On PC: Logout (logout) from the account, close the browser and log back in. You will see the updated icon.
On the phone:
- For iOS: into the Appstore Select Update Facebook to the latest version.
- For Android: into the CHPLAY select Update Facebook to the latest version.
However, you can pre-order the “Standing Together” Icon Pack to send in the comments below:
Step 1: Find any posts with the “Standing Together” icon pack comment.
Step 2: Hold on the heart icon, select View package
Step 3: You will see the icon pack Side by sideselect Download.
You can now choose the beating heart icon to comment on in the post.
This is a hot trending purple heart icon that is commented on by everyone.
Facebook is also developing a feature that allows users to share information including location, weather, battery status … with specific friends. It also has a feature that allows users to share emojis on their profile to express their mood.