Tool Ddos/dos is shared a lot from many different sources. Nowadays, there are many types Tool DDOS on the Intenet. But most of them are weak tools, tools are infected with viruses. So for that, Anonyviet We’ve picked up some pretty cool powerful ddos tools on the Deep Web and on Google. We also checked and scanned so there are no trojans.
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Explore more: Share Source code Virus Keylogger in C++
The first and also the most important step. That is to download the DDOS Tool to your computer or VPS.
After you download it, extract it to the Desktop with the password tmq Please.
When decompressing, you will receive a series of tools in the folder. Open the folder named as shown in the image below.
In the folder including 7 different types of DDOS Tool will appear. All you need to do now is choose. Please choose one TOOL DDOS that you want to use among them.
Here I will choose a tool that is ” Anonyviet Ghost DDOS ” Please.
Once you have selected a tool, click on it. The Tool interface will appear.
The ddos tool that I chose has 2 steps
Step 1: Enter the IP (Number or Letter depending on the tool’s requirements).
Step 2: Enter the Port of a certain website or online game server.
Here I choose Tool Anonyviet Ghost DDOS Please.
With other tools, you can do the same. Both enter IP and Port and then select the necessary parameters. When finished, press Attack.
You should go online to read the concept of denial of service attacks. Or commonly known as DDOS/DOS. Learn the theory of attack parameters like packed, target, port. And methods of attack (method). Because DDOS/DOS is such a broad concept, I cannot cover it all in one article. With 7 tools in this toolkit. You are eligible to beat the usual website refunds. Websites are poorly protected against DDOS/DOS.
You can learn more about the concept of DDOS through the following article:
Learn more about DDOS concept: DDoS Thinking
Python can also become a DDOS/DOS engine. Python’s code has been used a lot by hackers. Can turn the code into a powerful DDOS tool. Even more powerful than Tool. Don’t look down on old codes. Some of the code is old, but the power is still great.
Try DDOS with Python: Powerful Python 2016 DDOS Code Die Web in 30s
Note !
If your computer is healthy, you can run 7 Tools at once. Or you can use VPS to ddos too.
If you have any questions ask. You can leave it in the Comments section below.
More can be read: Share Tool Scan Mail Latest Google SLL
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