In this section, I will show you how to unlock the next level after completing the previous level.
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It’s not that you like to click on any level to play that level.
Unlock levels
For this part, I will have the following algorithm:
+ I will add a variable in PlayerData to store the data of which map has been unlocked, with the structure as below:
var Unlocked_map = { "Map1": false, "Map2":false, "Map3":false, }
+ Then in KhuVucDiChuyen after the Player has gone there ie won the game, then I will set the Map I am playing in the Unlocked_map variable to true
func _on_KhuVucDiChuyen_body_entered(body): PlayerData.Unlocked_map[get_parent().name] = true
+ Then, in the Level scene, I will check if I click on that Level and that Level if it is Map1, it will play Map1 because this is the first map I need to play.
+ Then, if it’s not Map1, that means you’ve clicked on Level 2 or higher and then I check if the previous Map that you clicked on has been completed, I will switch to playing that Map.
For example: If I haven’t played Map1, then Unlocked_map[“Map1”] is = false, I click on Level 2 and then Level2 checks if Unlocked_map[“Map1”] is = false then you have not completed it and can not play level2 and vice versa.
extends Node var diemso = { "Map1": 0, "Map2":0, "Map3": 0, } var Unlocked_map = { "Map1": false, "Map2":false, "Map3":false, }
I added a dictionary containing the data of unlocked maps.
extends Area2D export (String,FILE) var LevelKeTiep onready var endlevelmenu = get_parent().get_node("EndLevelMenu") func _on_KhuVucDiChuyen_body_entered(body): if == "Player": endlevelmenu.get_node("EndLevelMenu").show() get_tree().paused = true PlayerData.Unlocked_map[get_parent().name] = true
Moving area, I put 1 more line at the end.
And if you notice in the previous section, I have a few lines of code to add scores, but to add scores to PlayerData, it has to press 1 of 2 buttons. So, what if the player just went in and the menu won the game out? Definitely have to start over again.
+ So I will put a small exercise here is to transfer the line of code to add scores to PlayerData in EndLevelMap through KhuVucDiChuyen.
Level Scene
At the Scene level, I just added the code to the Hinhtron_pressed() function:
func _on_HinhTron_pressed(): var level_truocdo = int(Level) - 1 if MapName != "Map1": if PlayerData.Unlocked_map["Map"+ str(level_truocdo)] == true : get_tree().change_scene(Scene) else: get_tree().change_scene(Scene)
I create one more variable level_truocdo and I add int() at Level because the Level variable is being declared as String if you don’t add int, it will be String – Integer and cause an error.
Now if you run the game and click on the level you will see that it doesn’t go to the level 2 scene anymore, but has to complete the level 1.
Because of this, I don’t know what kind of picture I should get for you to see, so please read it @@.
In this section, I have shown you how to be able to add the level unlock feature. In the next part, the sound will be added.