In this part, I will show you how to create a menu when you finish playing a level and it will be able to move to the next level, play again and return to the Level Map menu.
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Copy Scene
Then instead of having to recreate it from scratch, you can duplicate a new scene from the scene pause menu.
You find the pause menu in the filesystem right click and click duplicate
I will rename it EndLevelMenu
Then you delete the other nodes and leave them as shown, I changed the name NutTepTuc to LevelKeTiep
Edit text in TieuDe
You will clear the old script by pressing the button with the paper that has an x
Then create a new one.
Then 3 buttons, you disconnect because it is connecting to the old script.
Then reconnect 3 new ones.
Then Instance EndLevelMenu to Map.
Then you remember to hide the EndLevelMenu that belongs to the Control Node type.
extends CanvasLayer onready var level = get_parent().get_node("KhuVucDiChuyen") func _on_NutLevelKeTiep_pressed(): get_tree().paused = false get_tree().change_scene(level.LevelKeTiep) pass # Replace with function body. func _on_NutChoiLai_pressed(): get_tree().paused = false get_tree().reload_current_scene() print("choi lai") pass # Replace with function body. func _on_NutVeMenu_pressed(): get_tree().paused = false get_tree().change_scene("res://Scences/Map/LevelMap.tscn") pass # Replace with function body.
Here is the code of the EndLevelMenu script.
2 signals of the replay button and the menu will remain the same.
For LevelKeTiep to save time instead of having to manually set it up to see which level it moves to the next level, I’ll take it. At the KhuVucDi Chuyen node, I have created a variable called LevelKeTiep and it carries the data of the next scene, so I will call that variable instead of doing it manually.
onready var level = get_parent().get_node("KhuVucDiChuyen")
: is that I declare it and assign it with the parent node of the EndLevelMenu (as shown in the picture) and from that parent node I can access the KhuVucDi Chuyen node to get the data of the LevelKeTiep variable.
extends Area2D export (String,FILE) var LevelKeTiep onready var endlevelmenu = get_parent().get_node("EndLevelMenu") func _on_KhuVucDiChuyen_body_entered(body): if == "Player": # get_tree().change_scene(LevelKeTiep) endlevelmenu.get_node("EndLevelMenu").show() get_tree().paused = true
In the script of KhuVucDIChuyen, I changed it a little bit.
Here, instead of moving to the next level as usual, I will show it the EndLevelMenu and then stop the tree like in the pausemenu.
If you wonder why I get_node() 2 EndLevelMenu, then look at the picture below.
I call 2 EndLevelMenu because I have 2 nodes :).
And here are my results
In the next part, I will show you how to calculate the score after collecting the coins and when you go out of the LevelMap you will get the number of stars corresponding to the number of points.