In this part, I will show you how to make the character attack and program the enemy to identify the Player so that they can attack in the next part.
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Attack setting
func _physics_process(delta): huong_dichuyen = Input.get_axis("ui_left","ui_right") if huong_dichuyen != 0: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,huong_dichuyen * tocdo,0.5)"chay") scale.x = scale.y * huong_dichuyen else: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,0,0.5)"dungyen") if is_on_floor(): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") : chuyendong.y = -250 else:"nhay") if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_J):"tancong") chuyendong.y += trongluc chuyendong.normalized() chuyendong = move_and_slide(chuyendong,Vector2.UP)
On the above code, I have just added 2 basic lines so that you can run the Attack Animation and I guarantee many of you will think it works but it is actually ARE NOT the above code will not be able to work.
If you press the . key J to run the attack animation it won’t be possible because it’s animation currently being used and the animation using it is stand still.
var dangtancong = false func _physics_process(delta): if !dangtancong: huong_dichuyen = Input.get_axis("ui_left","ui_right") if huong_dichuyen != 0: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,huong_dichuyen * tocdo,0.5)"chay") scale.x = scale.y * huong_dichuyen else: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,0,0.5)"dungyen") if is_on_floor(): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") : chuyendong.y = -250 else:"nhay") if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_J) and is_on_floor(): dangtancong = true chuyendong.x = 0"tancong") chuyendong.y += trongluc chuyendong.normalized() chuyendong = move_and_slide(chuyendong,Vector2.UP)
And I will have the above code.
Here I create a new variable var dangtancong= false
This variable is used to determine if you are performing an attack
I put all the moves in and jumped in if !dangtancong:
is because I will check if I am not attacking, I can move normally, but if I am attacking, the code inside is not running and you will not be able to move or run while attacking.
At the line if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_J) and is_on_floor():
+ I add is_on_floor() is to make sure I can’t attack while jumping.
+ I will set Dangtancong to true to signal that you are performing an anim attack.
+ I lethuyendong.x = 0 is to stop and perform attack anim, you cannot run and attack at the same time.
When I came here, I was still missing one thing, which is to turn the variable Dangtancong about false when it’s over animation attack.
func _on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished(): if animation.animation == "tancong": dangtancong = false
I will have one more function and this function is connected to the signal from the AnimatedSprite node
extends KinematicBody2D var tocdo = 200 var trongluc = 10 var chuyendong = Vector2() var huong_dichuyen = 1 onready var animation = $AnimatedSprite var dangtancong = false func _physics_process(delta): if !dangtancong: huong_dichuyen = Input.get_axis("ui_left","ui_right") if huong_dichuyen != 0: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,huong_dichuyen * tocdo,0.5)"chay") scale.x = scale.y * huong_dichuyen else: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,0,0.5)"dungyen") if is_on_floor(): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") : chuyendong.y = -250 else:"nhay") if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_J) and is_on_floor(): dangtancong = true chuyendong.x = 0"tancong") chuyendong.y += trongluc chuyendong.normalized() chuyendong = move_and_slide(chuyendong,Vector2.UP) func _on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished(): if animation.animation == "tancong": dangtancong = false
So I will have the entire code as above.
Here is the final result
In the next part, I will show you how to set up attacks on enemies.