Previously, AnonyViet introduced you to a Tool Spam SMS on Windows. Today I will introduce to you Bom SMS with TBomb to Spam terrorist messages. Especially you can use it on mobile phones with Termux or on computers with Kali Linux.
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The purpose of this article is only for research, and to make fun of friends. Do not use it for destructive or illegal purposes.
How to Install TBomb on Android/Linux/MACOS
TBomb v1.7b is open source on Termux and Linux that utilizes OTP code to spam SMS. You can send multiple messages to a phone number continuously, making the recipient uncomfortable because the screen is constantly lit. For older phones, the SMS memory may be full.
Some Matters to Note
Before using TBomb v1.7b to spam SMS messages, you need to keep a few things in mind:
– Tool needs Internet to work
– Phone account will not be deducted when spam SMS/call.
– When spamming messages, it is advisable to keep the delay as high as possible and 10 to 20 threads for maximum performance.
– Do not put a space in the middle of the phone number (Example: 99999 99999)
– Make sure you are using the latest version of TBomb
– Make sure you are using Python 3.
To check which version of Python your Termux or Linux has installed, use the command:
$ python -V
If the result looks like Python 3– then your device has Python 3 installed.
- Do not use TBomb to harm others.
- Tool is for educational purposes only or joking with friends.
- None of the developers/writers are responsible for the abuse of TBomb.
How to use Tbomb to Spam SMS on your phone with Termux
First, on Android you need install Termux and necessary packages. Copy each of the commands below into Termux.
pkg install git
pkg install python
git clone
cd TBomb
chmod +x
Install Tbomb on Linux
Open Terminal on LInux (Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Centos…) copy the commands below:
sudo apt install git
git clone
cd TBomb
chmod +x
sudo bash
For MacOS
Copy the command below into Terminal:
# Install Brew:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install dependencys:
brew install git
brew install python3
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
git clone
cd TBomb
chmod +x
# Missing Tools
Toilet cannot be installed yet. But TBomb does still work.
# Run TBomb:
sudo bash
How to Use Tbomb to Spam Terrorist SMS
At your main interface TBomb, you press Enter to access Tbomb’s Menu
In the first run, there will be some messages, you just let it run, Tool will install some python libraries. Then will display a Menu consisting of 5 items:
You choose the first item, press the number first and press Enter.
- The Start Call Bomber function only supports Indian phone numbers.
- If you have installed the old version of Tbomb, press number 3 to Update to the new version.
Enter the following information:
Contry Code of Vietnam is 84
Target Number: is the phone number you want to spam SMS. Leave the leading zero.
- Enter Your Country Code (Without +) : 84
- Enter Target Number: +84 xxxxxxxxx
Enter Number of Messages To Send: the number of messages you want to send to the victim
Enter Delay time (in seconds): time interval between each message. You should let at least 10 seconds.
After this step, the message terror process will begin. Usually there will be error messages, but the number of SMS Bomber messages sent to the victim is also quite a lot. You can see the results directly on TBomb’s screen:
And here is the phone screen of Tbomb’s SMS Bomber: