In this section, I will show you how to combine animations in movement to create a complete character as well as show you how to make the character jump.
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Create Folder
In the previous section, I forgot to guide you to create more Folders to be able to manage files neatly and cleanly. So you create yourself 2 new Folders in Scenes, Map and Player.
Map: Used to store the levels of the game.
Player: Used to contain Scenes related to Player.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that when you press F5 you will run the default scene and press F6 and you will run the selected scene.
You can change it in Project -> Project Settings
In part 3, I showed you how to create Animation for characters and now I will show you how to apply it.
onready var animation= $AnimatedSprite
To use Animations, you must have access to the AnimatedSprite node..
There are two ways to access it:
- Create a border and assign an AnimatedSprite node to it, when assigning a node to a variable you need to add onready before var.
- You can call it directly using the ” $ ” symbol (eg $AnimatedSprite.position) or using get_node() ( eg get_node(“AnimatedSprite”).position)
extends KinematicBody2D var tocdo = 200 var trongluc = 7000 var chuyendong = Vector2() var huong_dichuyen onready var animation = $AnimatedSprite func _physics_process(delta): chuyendong.y = trongluc * delta huong_dichuyen = Input.get_axis("ui_left","ui_right") if huong_dichuyen != 0: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,huong_dichuyen * tocdo,0.5)"chay") scale.x = scale.y * huong_dichuyen else: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,0,0.1)"dungyen") chuyendong.normalized() move_and_slide(chuyendong,Vector2.UP)
So, I will add a few lines in the above code to make the character move with animation.
Here I will explain:
Current :
- That I will call the animation variable that the animation variable I have assigned is the AnimatedSprite node so I can access it and after accessing it I will use the function play() of the AnimatedSprite node to run the animation. The animation name is the name of the animation you created in the AnimateSprite node.
Current scale.x :
- This is the line that will allow you to rotate the character left and right.
- scale.y ( is 1) * Huong_dichuyen (left press is -1 right is 1 so if left press = -1 then scale.y is 1 * with Huong_dichuyen is -1 it will output -1).
- scale.x if it is -1, it will rotate left, but if it is equal to 1, it will rotate right. You can test in Transform -> Scale of any node.
- And I put it in the first if function so that when the character moves it rotates, otherwise it won’t rotate.
extends KinematicBody2D var tocdo = 200 var trongluc = 10 var chuyendong = Vector2() var huong_dichuyen onready var animation = $AnimatedSprite func _physics_process(delta): huong_dichuyen = Input.get_axis("ui_left","ui_right") if huong_dichuyen != 0: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,huong_dichuyen * tocdo,0.5)"chay") scale.x = scale.y * huong_dichuyen else: chuyendong.x = lerp(chuyendong.x,0,0.1)"dungyen") if is_on_floor(): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") : chuyendong.y = -250 else:"nhay") chuyendong.y += trongluc chuyendong.normalized() chuyendong = move_and_slide(chuyendong,Vector2.UP)
Above is the code that I have edited and optimized it.
Current if is_on_floor() :
- That I will check that the character it is standing on the floor.
- If I stand on the floor and I press the button Way then switchong.y = -250 ie the character will move up 1 bit and then the machine will read the code from above and see the line moving.y += in luc then it will move down again.
Still line else: :
- Is the opposite of is_on_floor() when I have jumped on it ie no longer on the floor, I will run the jumping animation.
In the running animation, I found it to be quite slow and inconsistent, so go in and adjust the speed from 5 fps to 10 fps.
This is the final result.
That’s it, in this part I have guided you to make the character jump and apply animation to the movement.