WebDos is a python DDOS Tool that was just updated by the author a few days ago. I have tested the tool’s strength and the results are very good. Webdos can slow down the attacked Website resulting in downtime. Compared with other DDOS Tools, you can enter the Website address to be attacked and choose the number of Threads for the Tool to work. Besides, Tool also supports 10 attack mods. Depending on your computer and Internet configuration, you can choose Mod accordingly.
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How to use Webdos to DDOS any Website
If you want to DDOS a large Website, you need a powerful computer and a large Internet connection. As for Websites hosted on a weak host, it will crash immediately. Websites affected by DOS will work again when you turn off the DOS Tool.
Can say WebDos is Tool DOS The easiest to use Python platform today. You can use Linux operating system and execute the following commands to install:
Attention! Only perform the DDOS Test on your Website or Server. Any act of DDOS entering the Website of another person or organization is against the law.
Download WebDos to your computer:
git clone https://github.com/Surya0023/webdos-ddoser.git
Move into the installation directory:
cd webdos-ddoser
Grant execution permission:
chmod +x webdos.sh
Launch WebDos:
Now, the WebDOS interface will appear. Fill in the following information:
- Enter The Website: Website address needs DOS (do not write http:// or https://)
- Enter The Port: If it is http, then you put Port: 80, if https, then put Port: 443
- Enter The Thread[133]: type 133 or more depending on machine configuration
Next the number of DOS windows that will be active at the same time. Depending on the machine configuration, you choose accordingly, if you choose too high, the computer will hang due to excessive resource usage.
Eg: i choose Mod 5 then there will be 5 DOS windows attack the Website at the same time.
Website crash speed depends on your configuration and Internet connection. WebDos should only be used for learning and testing purposes. Do not use it to destroy or break the law.